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杜玮,加拿大卓珩教育有限公司创始人,Beta Gamma Sigma 荣誉学会会员,加拿大圣玛丽大学金融与会计双学士。2012年以优等生荣誉(Summa Cum Laude),获得加拿大圣玛丽大学金融与会计双学士学位,并于同年创办加拿大卓珩教育有限公司,讲授初级财务会计、中级财务会计、高级财务会计、初级管理会计、成本会计、成本计划与控制、财务报表分析、商务金融、投资学、金融衍生品、金融财务管理、统计学、计量方法、初级微观经济学和初级宏观经济学等商科课程。在多年的一线教学工作中,积累了丰富的教学经验,深知中国留学生在海外求学时所面临的学业难点。针对留学生在课堂、作业、复习以及考试中出现的学业问题与困惑,进行了深刻的总结并归纳出一套行之有效的解决方法,帮助大批中国留学生取得了理想的考试成绩。


第1章财务会计概述An Introduction to Financial Accounting 1
1.会计定义(The Accounting Definition) 2
2.会计信息使用者(Users of Accounting Information) 2
3.财务会计与管理会计(Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting) 3
4.商业组织形式(Forms of Business Organization) 3
5.财务报告概念框架(The Conceptual Framework for Finanaal Reporting) 5
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 10
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 14
第2章财务报表The Financial Statements 17
1.收益表(Income Statement) 18
2.股东权益变化表( Statement of Changes in Eqtuty) 24
3.资产负债表( Statement of Financial Position) 26
4.现金流量表(Statement of Cash Flows) 34
5.财务报表附注(Notes to the Financial Statements) 36
6.四种财务报表的相互关系(Interrelationships Among the Four Financial Statements) 36
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 39
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 58
第3章分析与记录会计交易Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions 63
1.账目(The Account)64
2.借贷记账定则(The Rules of Debit and Credit) 65
3.记录会计交易(Recording Accounting Transactions) 67
4.试算平衡表(The Trial Balance) 77
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 79
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 112
第4章调整分录与结算分录Adjusting Entries and Closing Entries 113
1.应收应付会计制对比现金收付会计制(Accrual Basis Accounting vs.Cash Basis Accounting) 114
2.调整分录(Adjusting Entries) 117
3.调整后试算平衡表(The Adjusted Trial Balance) 128
4.准备财务报表(Preparing the Finanaal Statements) 130
5.结算(Closing the Books) 132
6.结算后试算平衡表(The Post—Closing Trial Balance) 134
7.会计周期(The Accounting Cycle) 135
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 137
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 170
第5章内部管控、现金和银行对账单Internal Control,Cash,and Bank Reconciliation 171
1.内部管控(Internal Control) 172
2.现金管控(Cash Controls) 174
3.汇报现金(Reporting Cash) 176
4.管理现金(Managing Cash) 176
5.准备银行对账单(Preparing the Bank Reconciliation) 177
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 185
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 215
第6章库存与售出商品成本Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold 217
1.企业类型(Types of Companies) 218
2.盘存制度(Inventory Systems) 219
3.存货成本计算法(Inventory Costing Methods) 233
4.成本与可变现净值孰低原则(Lower of Cost and Net Realizable Value Rule) 240
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 242
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 259
第7章应收账款与应收票据Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable 261
1.应收账款(Accounts Receivable) 262
2.不可收回应收账款(Uncollectible Accounts Receivable) 262
3.应收票据(Notes Receivable) 269
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 273
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 302
第8章长期资产与三种折旧方法Long—Lived Assets and Three Depreciation Methods 303
1.估量物业、厂房与设备成本(Measuring the Cost of Property,Plant,and Equipment) 304
2.折旧(Depreaation) 307
3.其他折旧问题(Other Depreciation Issues) 314
4.无形资产(Intangible Assets) 325
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 329
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 358
第9章负债Liabilities 361
1.短期负债(Current Liabilities) 362
2.长期负债(Non—Current Liabilities) 370
3.或有负债(Contingent Liabilities) 384
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 386
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 404
第10章股东权益Shareholders’ Equity 407
1.股份资本(Share Capital) 408
2.留存收益、股息和股票分割(Retained Earnings,Dividends,and Stock Splits) 415
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 420
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 446
第11章现金流量表Statement of Cash Flows 447
1.现金与现金等价物(Cash and Cash Equivalents) 448
2.现金流量表目的(Purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows) 448
3.现金流量表内容(Content of the Statement of Cash Flows) 448
4.准备现金流量表(Preparing the Statement ofCash Flows) 449
5.附注(Appendix) 464
例题综述(Summary of Examples) 473
专业名词汇编(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 494
第12章财务报表分析Finanaal Statement Analysis 497
1.横向分析(Horizontal Analysis) 498
2.纵向分析(Vertical Analysis) 500
3.比率分析(Ratio Analysis) 503
例题综述( Summary of Examples) 511
专业名词汇编( Glossary of Accounting Terms) 530
附录重要公式与定则Important Formulas and Rules 533

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